Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Best Ways of Developing a Lasting Loving Relationship: Time Management & Goals

The Best Ways of Developing a Lasting Loving Relationship Time Management & Goals
by Dennis Schleicher
Have you dated “much”? How many Intimate relationships have you had in your lifetime? Are you still wondering why all those past relationships didn’t hold up to the tests of time, only now to leave you with apprehension and caution as to whether or not you could open your heart up again, to let the flow of love through your heart by attracting the same relationship again? Will my love succeed this time, you may ask yourself?
On a much deeper layer you must know why you act the way you do? As the other day I had a client ask me. “Why should she get up in the morning?” I told this particular person we need to work on being proactive in taking steps and actions to aggressively peel back the layers of hidden desires that lead to self worth and self acceptance.

Dennis's Recommendations

• Start a journal, either in a Word document or utilizing digital recording technology.
• Pinpoint three goals you would like to achieve in 2010.
• Narrow those goals down for morning, afternoon and evening exercises.

If one of my goals for 2010 was writing & publish a book on relationship advice. I would utilize time management by setting aside a half hour in the morning a half hour in the afternoon and a full hour in the evening. Now you've taking a large task and simplified it by dividing and conquering your time equals control ultimately leading to a more empowering life. Think about it? You've dedicated two full hour's by dividing your time into three sessions. With a total of two hours spent on writing a manuscript. Now times that by 365 days in the year and you have a total of 730 hours dedicated to writing your next New York Times bestseller.

So when it comes to developing a lasting relationship, utilize the examples of devoting X. number of hours per day, dividing that by three, separating your commitments. When focusing your time, a little in the morning, some more in the afternoon, and even more in your evening hrs, whether you're with a partner or by yourself this works, if you're single, trying to rekindle an old flame, or starting from a clean slate. The most important advice I could give anyone that calls or has a session with me: “never compromised your integrity or morals, go with your gut feelings.” Sometimes you need an objective opinion, either from a friend, a colleague, or a professional. Trust me, if I don't know the answer. I'll point you in the right direction.

Post your Comments or Questions for Dennis;
Forbidden Love with a Married Man: E-mail Diaries

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